"The mysterious quantity lurking in the afterglow of yesterweek. A gamey diamond of a find for any fan of the utmost mystical wooden teapot of song known as American Song Bag. A modern day renegade born of the white rice and rain in the lonley, humid southeast of Texas. Raised by Karankawan Wizards. Awarded the congressional medal of the obtuse in 1967 by then President Lyndon Johnson. Inventor of Frequency Shifter used in the growing of medicinal eggs. Educated at Glory Abounds Academy For Isothermal Static. Professor of Economic Threat Access. Steaming with uncertain attributes only seen in the general population during the scotch-Irish domination of Western Carolina and Eastern Tennessee. Dangling participle of roots music."
Thought that was lyrically amazing. So if you have the chance, check out the Gourds and Shinyribs, sunday 9/19 at Sullivan Hall in NYC, and monday 9/20 at the North Star Bar in Philadelphia. You will not be dissapointed.
Download: Shinyribs - Weaponized Virus Musket
Tricky, tricky, you got me all excited that shinyribs was pulling the THC BITCH back out of the vault but alas its the track from best o boots '03. tricky, i say, he wasn't even shinyribs back then.
great track nonetheless
Haha....you are correct sir. Although he has always been shinyribs. Maybe in different forms.
when i wrote it i thought would it be mislabeling? For the layman, no. But for a Gourds archivist like yourself, perhaps. Do you have the new Shinyribs album? Im definitely picking it up at one of the two shows this weekend so look out for some brand spankin new Ribs on ShadyGroove in the future.
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