Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cake at the Keswick Theatre, Glenside PA 4.18.11

Some may call it "geek rock", some may call them the "greenest" band on the planet, some may call them post-alternative rock. Whatever the moniker, the band that calls themselves Cake knows how to put on a show. The seasoned veterans put on a monster show Monday night at the Keswick.

The normally tame Keswick crowd was brought to life by the band.  John McCrea, the lead singer/songwriter lead the charge, seemingly almost forcing the crowd to get involved.  Although the Cake faithful were more than happy to oblige...

The band that has notoriously been anti-establishment, anti-big business for 20 years now has slowly but surely built a loyal following that like to have a good time. 

Cake's new album, Showroom of Compassion, marks its 6th carefully crafted, self-released, studio album. (Thier albums are known to take months, even years.  As McCrea puts it "this band is a domocracy, and democracy takes a long time.)  It is a great sure to check it out if you get a chance.

Here is the setlist from Monday night:
Sad songs & waltzes
Frank Sinatra 
Arco Arena
Opera singer 
Bound Away
Long Time
Shaddow Stabbing
Ruby Sees All
Satan is my Motor (public acknowledgement that there is a dark side)
*Epic Crowd involvement*
Mustache Man (wasted)
Sheep go to heaven


Federal Funding
Love You Madly
Rock n roll lifestyle
(Thrills)**Gave away an apple tree** for answering the question "the declaration of independence was written on parchmet...what was the parchment made of?" A: sheep skin
Sick of you
*massive crowd involvement*
Italian Leather Sofa
Never there

crowd started chanting "need more cake!"!!

Short skirt long jacket
The Distance

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